Whistleblower Litigation

Whistleblower Litigation
Frohsin & Barger is one of only a few law firms in the country highly-focused in whistleblower litigation. Under certain federal and state statutes, brave people who expose fraud against the government and the taxpayers may share in the reward, which can be as high as three times the amount of the fraud plus civil penalties.

Federal & State Whistleblower Litigation

More than $22 billion of taxpayer funds have been recovered under the False Claims Act over the past two decades. Frohsin & Barger attorneys have represented whistleblowers in such groundbreaking cases and have also assisted corporations in self-reporting and successfully defending against meritless cases. Frohsin & Barger combines the experience of a seasoned federal prosecutor with former members of a multi-state corporate defense firm, providing the unique and important perspective of understanding both sides of whistleblower litigation – the strategy of the successful plaintiff and defendant.

Protection for Whistleblowers
Blowing the whistle on corporate fraud takes courage, and the law rewards that courage with certain protections. Frohsin & Barger attorneys understand that perhaps the most important aspect of representing corporate whistleblowers is guiding and protecting them through the difficult, stressful process of litigation. The False Claims Act provides for a whistleblower’s case to be filed under-seal and for the identity of the whistleblower to be protected during the course of the government’s investigation. Further, federal laws protect against retaliation by mandating the reinstatement of wrongfully fired employees at the same seniority level, and an award of double back pay, interest, and attorneys’ fees.

To report Government fraud & abuse, contact Frohsin & Barger.